Hi there! My name is Lillian Brackins….

I am what you might call a grand-millennial.  I can’t remember exactly where I first heard that term, but it immediately resonated with me. The term grand-millennial is mostly used to describe millennials who have an affinity for 1940’s-50’s upscale interior design. I’m pretty sure I bleed blue and white chinoiserie . . .  give me all the pastel floral wallpaper you got! Elegant décor is not everything “old” that I love. Really, a lot of the principles and practices that I have oriented my life around for the past year or two have been around for ages-- since bible times -- not just the 40’s. 

Now, before you eyeroll and stop reading, hear me out. I am not at all saying that I believe we should completely revert back to the olden days. That would be, for lack of a better term, dumb. What I am saying is that I see tremendous value in small graces that we do not always recognize in 2020. 

I see loveliness in setting your holiday table with your grandmother’s china, stirring you to remember her gentle spirit and amazing cinnamon toast. I see resourcefulness in restoring or reusing hand-me-down pieces of furniture adding another unique chapter to it’s life. I sense in myself a deeper appreciation for creativity when I sit down to read a book or play the piano instead of turning on Netflix. I recognize thoughtfulness in a handwritten thank you note. I pursue the practice of humility by slowing down and taking a day of rest. I believe there are rich moments of teaching, joy, and gratitude waiting to be brought forth from discussions about preserved or passed down physical mementos. I believe in the importance of instilling family values and developing traditions. I see eternal value in the conversations that happen with friends or family around a table uninterrupted by phone notifications. 

Some might call this perspective old-fashioned but I like to call it classic. This flowering in my lifestyle and heart have led me to this place, writing this blog and starting this project. This blog is not for me to build my social following or become the next great Instagram influencer. This blog is about offering my experience and advice (as a starting point) for readers interested in developing or reimagining habits and traditions that foster deeper personal connections in an ever-growing, digitally connected world. 

Our world has always been full of uncertainty, however, recent events have reminded most of us that we aren’t promised tomorrow. For most, now more than ever, we are becoming increasingly more aware of what really matters to us. Now more than ever, our hearts are aching for community. Now more than ever, we need to develop healthy digital habits for ourselves and our families. Now more than ever, we need to revisit the basics. Now is the time to restart, reconnect, refresh, or renew what might have been lost or forgotten.  Now is the time to start building a lifestyle and legacy of loving actions, wholesome traditions, and kind words. Why? Because a grace-filled life will never go out of style. I want my lifestyle and legacy to be EVERGREEN. 

Thanks for joining me in all things EVERGREEN.

