
I love to read now but I didn’t always feel that way. I grew up stressing over AR points and reading goals. Reading felt like an assignment (because it technically was) and felt oppressive. Now, it’s one of my favorite hobbies. I love getting lost in another world. I love getting hooked and feeling like I can’t turn the page fast enough. I also thoroughly enjoy finishing a book and placing it back on the shelf as short of a trophy! I guess I feel like it’s an accomplishment. I think a lot of people go through life without giving reading a real try. It’s a learned discipline for sure but the learning curve isn’t that steep. I wish someone would have told me early on that you can enjoy reading and not enjoy reading every genre out there. I felt like “reading” meant that I had to like ALL BOOKS. Wrong--ooo! The beauty of reading as an adult is that you can pick your book. I know that might seem obvious but for someone like me who was so overwhelmed with the thought of picking up a book--- you might have needed to hear/read that! 

Here are my top tips for getting back into reading as an adult…

  • Be smart about the book you choose.

Do some research! Ask your friends! Subscribe to the goodreads email list and set your preferences. Go to your local book store and ask someone to help you! Take stock of your recently watched list on netflix. Notice any themes? Chances are -- you’ll enjoy a mystery novel if you like crime shows etc! Also--- PLEASE PLEASE don’t suffer through a book you don’t enjoy just to finish it. Trudging through a book you don’t enjoy will probably deter you from picking up another book once the bad book is finished. It’s okay to stop and start something new!

  • Start small.

Not ready to commit to books? Commit to the newspaper, magazine articles or blogs you enjoy. Don’t just read the twitter feed! See something interesting? Click on the article and actually read it! Over time it’ll become a habit! 

  • Set a time or timer.

Set a time that you’d like to read each day and start with just a few minutes! You’ll be amazed how much better you sleep after turning off all electronics and reading for just a few minutes each night!

  • Don’t rush.

Take your time! Reading should be enjoyed. Don’t put pressure on yourself to finish X amount of books per month. Consistency is more important than speed! 

  • Get a Library Card.

Take advantage of your local library. This makes your new hobby FREE! CALS has an app called LIBBY that is super helpful and extremely easy to use. LIBBY also allows you to check out audiobooks! Pro tip: Most libraries have more than books to check out! Ours has movies, fishing poles, power tools and nice telescopes! Crazy!

Happy Reading! Stay tuned for my top reads of 2020!

Always Evergreen,



EVERGREEN HABITS : READING // My Top Reads of 2020


EVERGREEN HABITS: Thanking God for the Fleas