Christmas Traditions: A New Ornament

As a child, there were few experiences equally as magical and terrifying as heading to the mall at Christmas time. Christmas lights and massive ornaments hung from the tall department store ceilings. “Jingle Bell Rock'' and “All I Want For Christmas Is You” were seemingly the only two songs allowed to play during your store visit. The faint smell of Cinnabon and Chic-fil-A from the food court danced in the air. It was the best kind of overwhelming. 

If your childhood experience was anything like mine, the mall usually meant Christmas shopping for Daddy (because who doesn’t love getting ANOTHER tie or polo shirt selected by your 9 year old) . . .  AND pictures with Santa. However, there were a few special Saturdays in my growing up years in which the reason for the outing to Park Plaza Mall was not for Santa or Dad gifts . . . it was for a new ornament. Each child was allowed to choose one new ornament for our tree! I’m sure there was a price limit and confident there were few “ohhh this one is pretty” hints from my parents BUT I remember feeling like the decision was mine. Something I liked…something I thought through …  something I owned… something that brought a touch of Lillian to our family tree… for all of us to enjoy.  

When it came time for my family to decorate the tree, my older brother would always hang the first ornament made from nails. Then, we would follow with the rest of the tree decorating, all taking joy in hanging our personally selected ornaments. 

As you decorate your tree this year take a moment to stop and consider this...

God thoughtfully created us in his image. We are wonderfully made, different from all other creation. He looks at us with loving eyes. Just as a new, chosen ornament is placed perfectly on a sturdy tree branch to reflect light and beauty, so he places us in our perfect place to reflect his glory and love. A love so deep that he himself took on flesh, coming to us in the most fragile of forms to one day hang on a tree so that we might experience the greatest gift of all. 

I pray this season that I might be a living ornament---securely fastened to the one who holds everything in his hands--reflecting light--shining brightly where God has specifically placed me-- so that others might see his glory and come to know his Grace.




EVERGREEN HABITS: Thanking God for the Fleas


Christmas Traditions