EVERGREEN faith: Ash Wednesday

Warmer weather, sunshine & the smiles of my little one —— all reminders of daily & seasonal change. 

Though the landscape might still appear dry & pale from cooler months, the warm spring breeze reminds me that creation itself is preparing for a new season of growth — even when it is unapparent to the naked eye. God willing, dead, dry grass will soon turn to a lush green field. 

On this Ash Wednesday, I’m reminded the Father’s GRACE is not seasonal. His grace renovates my heart. His grace revives my soul. His grace reclaims and replenishes my hope & joy.  His grace reminds me of my humanity. His grace renames me from sinner to Chosen, Beloved and Redeemed.

Grace: God’s will for new life on Earth as it is in heaven. 




EVERGREEN faith : A Prayer for My Son | Love


EVERGREEN family: 4 months of Fitz