EVERGREEN faith: A prayer for Fitz’s first week

My darling Pruitt Fitzgerald, 

One week of knowing you earth side has brought me a joy I didn’t otherwise know possible. 

I pray your arms continually reach for the comfort, wisdom, and grace of your savior before anything in this world. 

I pray your hands stay open  - humbly accepting the gifts and offerings of grace the father gives you. 

I pray your feet always bring encouragement- taking the good news of the gospel to your generation with every step you take. 

I pray for Eyes, ears, mouth - I pray your eyes would clearly see the needs of others And process life through an eternal and grace-filled lens. 

I pray your ears would be quick to listen to all— even those whose values & opinions differ from yours— instilling compassion, mercy and selflessness deep in your soul. 

I pray your mouth would speak words of grace and kindness — rooted in scriptural truth and blooming with wisdom gained through each new season of life. 

I pray your mind is filled with curiosity and a thirst for learning- fueled by wonder and awe of your creator and creation around you. 

I pray your heart becomes a throne room for the KING of Kings and beats for the things of heaven. 

Deus Pacit Corvos : Your Lord Cares for you, provides for you & values you- ALWAYS.  



EVERGREEN faith: A Prayer for Ear Infection Nights


EVERGREEN faith : A Prayer for My Son | Love