EVERGREEN faith: A Prayer for Ear Infection Nights

Father, I know you are the giver of all good things. 

Thank you for the most precious gift of grace that I hold in my arms. 

Thank you for entrusting me with this child. 

As I sit here feeling alone, I know I am not. 

I know there are other Mothers awake this very hour— comforting, nurturing, rocking, feeding.

Even in the late hours of the night and early morning I have community. 

You, yourself are a triune God. 

Father, Son and Spirit meet me here in this moment.

I pray your calming and peaceful presence would fall fresh. 

I breathe in peace and breathe out mercy. 

I know you are with me. 

Father, I know you see me. 

Even though my eyes grow heavy, yours do not.

Even when my patience wears thin, yours endures.

I praise you because I am not enough. 

Your grace shines brightest through weakness.

You have walked on this earth in a human body. 

You have known exhaustion. You have known pain.

Remind me you know, Oh Lord. 

Jesus, would you give me wisdom and discernment in caring for my ill child? Would you please bring my child comfort in their pain? 

I pray you grant him rest in his restlessness. 

As I watch my shadow dance on the wall,

I am reminded you are the light of the world.

Lord, I praise you because you are sovereign over all. 

Without you, without light, shadows do not exist. 

Even the smallest bit of light diffuses the darkness.  

Father, I know you command the sun to rise and night becomes morning. 

I pray your new mercies would lift my heavy eyes and encourage my heart.

Spirit, I ask that your peaceful presence would surround me and guide my words and actions in this new day. 

Jesus, would you help me choose joy in the mundane tasks of motherhood today over selfishness? 

Lord, I know your word tells me that you go before me and you will never leave me.  Thank you for walking with me through every season and carrying me when I am too weak to walk. 

You are a good shepherd. 

You are a gracious father. 

You are a compassionate healer. 

Thank you for reminding me of these truths.



EVERGREEN lifestyle: Back to School Questions


EVERGREEN faith: A prayer for Fitz’s first week