A couple of weeks ago my husband left his car at work so I got wifey drop off duty! Of course we couldn't start our morning without a cup of coffee. As we approached the promised land... I mean Starbucks, I could tell the drive-through wait was going to be lengthy. Even the oncoming turn lane was backed up with a long line of cars waiting. Without really thinking, when the line opened up, I waved a couple cars from the turn lane on ahead of me. 

(I feel it’s important to pause here and note that I absolutely HATE when others do this to me because I feel the pressure to people-please completely clash with my inner critic / general distrust for strangers / common sense inner voice telling me “don’t place your life / your vehicle in the hands of a stranger just trying to be nice…. Getting your coffee/ arriving at your destination seconds to minutes earlier is absolutely not worth the risk ”.... Anyone else feel the same way?) 

Anyway, while waiting in the drive-through line, a lady walked up to my car and knocked on my window. I rolled the window down and she proceeded to thank me for letting her turn into the line in front of me! She also handed me a $10 Starbucks card as a token of her appreciation. I was totally shocked! To be honest, it made my day and it just about made my entire week.

Of course our motivation to do kind things or be a decent human is love for others.... not affirmation, recognition or the possible reward. However, as an Enneagram 2, I feel so seen and loved when small things are acknowledged and appreciated. This might be why I love writing and receiving thank you notes.

Sitting down to write a thank you note might seem like a lost art but this small action can go a long way. While I'm not opposed to sending or receiving a quick thank you text, nothing rivals getting a handwritten note in my mailbox! 

Here are 5 reasons to write a thank you note. 

  1. Someone did something nice for you. Let them know how much you appreciate them doing _______ .

  2. You received a gift. A thank you note lets the gift giver know you received the gift.

  3. You just interviewed for a job. Someone has taken time out of their workday to meet with you and get to know you. You never know, this could be the thing that sets you apart from the other interviewees.

  4. You’re feeling blah. Feeling down? Practice a little bit of gratitude. Make a list of things or people you are thankful for and tell them why.

  5. It’s Tuesday. Any day is a great day to tell someone you appreciate them. We’ve all been through a long year. Tell your mailman, child’s teacher, or UPS man that you are thankful for them in a tangible way.

Life is short. Let’s take a lesson from the kind stranger in the Starbucks line. Thank people for the small and big things they do. Practicing gratitude will never go out of style.

Always Evergreen,



EVERGREEN family: 4 months of Fitz


EVERGREEN HABITS : READING // My Top Reads of 2020