EVERGREEN lifestyle: Back to School Questions

Summer is coming to a close….

Summer break is coming to a close. Even though the heat hasn’t given us much of a break yet a new season is quickly approaching! School will be back in session and the new and old routines will begin. Back to school can be a time of excitement and anxiety for parents & kiddos—— making this the PERFECT time to practice a few different skills with yourself AND with your family! 

Take a minute around the dinner table, in the car or on a walk and take stock of the summer. What worked this season? What felt hard? What was super fun? What was your favorite part? Is there an activity you REALLY want to do with your kiddos but haven’t found the time yet? Make a plan before the school year starts!

It’s my hope that these prompts will foster deeper conversation in your family as well as give you an opportunity to affirm and publicly bless your children! 

P.S. — I know this isn’t comprehensive and it’s not perfect for every age! Make it work for YOUR family! Get creative :) 

Evergreen Tip- Buy a journal for each child. Go out for pizza or ice cream (hello new tradition in the making)! Talk through the questions and record both sets of answers in the journal. Repeat this one evening every back-to-school season!  Gift the journal to your child when they graduate high school and encourage them to continue the tradition with their own loved ones!

Always Evergreen,



EVERGREEN lifestyle: Back to School Free Printables


EVERGREEN faith: A Prayer for Ear Infection Nights