Fall Traditions: Gratitude Pumpkin


Happy Monday and Happy November! It’s a new week/new month full of new mercies that are worth remembering and celebrating. This month I’ll be focusing on all things gratitude. 

A simple way to foster an attitude of gratitude in your family is to create a family gratitude pumpkin. Each night around the dinner table each family member discusses one thing they are grateful for and writes it on the pumpkin. Pro Tip-- use a plastic pumpkin & use a gold sharpie to record answers. Store your pumpkin with your fall décor and read them over as a family each year before starting a new one.

 ( This exercise doesn’t have to be complicated--especially if you have littles-- it can be as simple as “my baby doll” --- be sure to record any silly answers your littles give too! ) 

Whether it’s the food on our table, our health, family around us, or running water . . . we all have a lot to be thankful for! Stay tuned for more EVERGREEN tips to help you give thanks this month!




Fall Traditions: Thanksgiving Table Questions


Traditions: Camping