Fall Traditions: Thanksgiving Table Questions

Tuck & Lils Thanksgiving Q's Blog Post.JPG

I’m so thankful for my husband & family this year.


The holiday season is upon us. For many, this season brings excitement and anticipation. Also and unfortunately for many, this season is accompanied by a cumulonimbus cloud of anxiety . . . slowly growing in strength as family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas inch closer and closer. 

Family and friends are beautiful blessings. Tangible pictures of sweet grace that should not be taken for granted. Even though we do not always think the same way or practice the same lifestyle, we can still keep the dinner table a respectful, loving, authentic and encouraging place. Need a great example to follow? Just look at the way Jesus spends his last holiday meal. . . knowing that one of his disciples will betray him and another will deny even knowing him. See Luke 22.  

This Thanksgiving we can all agree that 2020 has not gone the way we expected. The holiday season will look different for most of us. Still---No matter where, how or with whom you spend your holidays --- here are a few questions and conversation starters that will hopefully produce happy memories, laughter, ease awkward moments and keep the conversation around the dinner table polite and encouraging! 

Remember --- kindness, compassion, empathy and respect will never go out of style. 

Thanksgiving Table Questions

  1. What is your favorite memory you’ve made this year? 

  2. Who is someone that you are thankful for this year? 

  3. Who was your favorite teacher in grade school? 

  4. What is the best show you’ve watched this year? Bonus points if someone talks about their favorite book before the next question is asked ;)

  5. What is the best book you’ve read this year? 

  6. What chores did you have / enjoy doing growing up?

  7. What was your favorite family vacation? 

  8. What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? 

  9. What is something you’d like to learn to do well? 

  10. If you could bring back a toy from your childhood, what would it be? 

Alternative questions that may somehow lead to a discordant discussion of conspiracy theories, politics or other hot topic issues...

  1. Have you watched Tiger King on Netflix? If so, what are your thoughts on Carole Baskin? 

  2. Kobe or Lebron? (I say this with all respect to those who lost their lives in the terribly tragic accident) -- Where were you when you heard about Kobe’s death? 

  3. What has been the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself during the COVID19 pandemic? 

  4. Did you watch Hamilton on Disney Plus?

  5. TikTok or Reels? …. Bonus points if your grandparents make a post/create a profile on either platform.

( EVERGREEN TIP : If you have little kids … put them at the kids table. :D ) 

Always Evergreen,



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